Report an Issue

We want your help

In an effort to improve and maintain community infrastructure, we ask our residents to inform us of issues observed within the District.

Frisco West WCIDDC’s primary function is to provide the construction of water, sanitary sewer, and stormwater drainage infrastructure as well as road improvements within its boundaries.


What are we requesting?

We’re asking residents to report district-specific issues in the District. The faster an issue is reported, the faster it can be investigated and addressed.

Have you noticed an issue with the infrastructure in our community? Have you seen any structural issues, such as a street light out, drainage issues on the sidewalks or roads? If it was a yes to any of those questions then please create a ticket by filling out the form below. 

If you are reporting more than one type of problem, please submit a separate form for each.

HowItWorks -Report A Problem.png

Report a maintenance issue or concern

Frisco West WCIDDC, governed by State law and the rules adopted by the District pursuant to Chapter 49 of the Texas Water Code, is responsible for the maintenance and repair of District facilities.To report a maintenance issue or concern, please enter your contact information below. Our office may need to contact residents for further information on reported issues. All reports will be reviewed and responded to in order of urgency. For major repairs, please visit our Newsnews section to stay updated!

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